Qualification to get a work permit
Foreigners who lives in the Kingdom of Thailand or allowed to stay temporarily with non- immigrant law by not allowed to live in Thailand as tourists or transit requiring the work permit or the expiry work permit. Foreigners must have a qualification to work as permission.
Foreigners must not be a psychotic person, unconsciousness, disease leprosy disease, Tuberculosis disease, Lumphatic filariasis in which is shunned by society, serious drug addiction, alcoholism and syphilis in the 3rd period.
Foreigners must never be imprison in the law of immigration or the law of labor within one year before the date of application for a work permit.
The necessary documents to apply for a work petmit
Application form with 3 photo size 3*4 cms.
Certificate of employment.
Education Certificate and Occupation Certificate.
Medical certificate from hospital only.
A map of company.
Power of attorney from a foreign teacher with 10 baht of revenue stamps and a copied ID card of the authorized recipient.
Power of attorney from the president with 10 bath of revenue stamps and a copied of ID card of the authorized recipients.
The application for the work permit
Foreigner teachers who received a work permit requires to continue their works which must extend the work permit before it’s expired.
Application from for work permit.
Work permit.
Certificate of employment.
Education Certificate.
Medical certificate from hospital only.
A map of company.
Power of Attorney from a foreign teacher with 10 baht of revenue stamps and a copied ID card of the authorized recipient.
Power at Attorney from the President with 10 baht of revenue stamps and a copied ID card of the authorized recipients.